
Majoitus- ja ravitsemisalan esihenkilötyön erikoisammattitutkinto 180 osp, työn ohessa

Kenelle/to whom:

Sinulle, joka toimit jo tällä hetkellä Suomessa englannin kielellä majoitus- ja ravintola-alan esihenkilö- tai johtotehtävissä ja haluat kehittää kykyjäsi johtaa ihmisiä sekä oman vastuualueesi tai yrityksesi toimintaa strategisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Koulutus on englanninkielinen.

 To you who already use English in a supervisory or managerial role in the hospitality sector here in Finland, and who wants to expand the knowledge and skills on first-level management and get new ideas and ways of working. The education is conducted in English.

 After finishing this qualification, you can work in demanding first-level management tasks in different hotel and catering businesses, including hotels, restaurants, public sector catering services, cafés, fast-food restaurants, and transport station restaurants.  You may also work as independent hotel and catering sector entrepreneur.

 As a holder of a Specialist vocational qualification in First-Level Management in Hotel and Catering Sector you will know e.g., how to:

  • plan, organize, direct, supervise and develop the daily work in line with the profit and quality targets of different hotel and catering sector companies and organizations.
  • plan, organize and manage day-to-day production and customer service processes in a customer-oriented manner, striving for best possible customer satisfaction.
  • comply with the legislation, official instructions and regulations applicable to your sector and the operation of your organization, enabling you to direct and supervise work.
  • manage customer, stakeholder and network relationships.


Full qualification: 198 €. If you want to study only parts of the qualification, the cost is 50 €/unit.

 Application period, starting date and duration of education:

Education will start       Application ends     Student selection

18.8.2025                         30.6.2025                  Based on an interview. You’ll receive an email invitation.

 Duration of the education and the start date of qualification:

The scope of the specialist vocational qualification in Specialist vocational qualification in First-Level Management in Hotel and Catering Sector is 180 cp. Duration of the education is 1,5 years (individual study paths and durations of studies are possible).

 Description of studies:

The qualification is conducted in English, and it is composed of three compulsory units: Supervising daily activities (50 cp), Working as a first-line manager (60 cp) and Managing customer and stakeholder relationships (40 cp). As an optional unit you can study either Implementation of a development project (30 cp) or Acting as a workplace instructor and evaluator (30 cp).

 Execution of education:

Blended teaching. Studying happens mainly in Moodle e-learning platform. There will be one contact teaching day per month.

 Additional information:

Guidance counsellor Sari Tuovila,, tel. 040 764 7562.

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