Train the trainer to teach lean skills in vet
TARGET GROUP: The primary target group are teachers and trainers in all sectors in VET .
Coordination: Vamia, Finland
Partners: Vamia (Finland), Onderwijsgroep Tilburg (The Netherlands), Edificio ATEC (Portugal), Lea Artibai (Spain), Leartiker (Spain)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Lean for Work and Lean for Life is a two-year cross-sectoral development project aiming at developing teachers’ and trainers’ skills in VET to better guide their colleagues and students in Lean skills in innovative ways – to train the trainer. The training approach aims at being interactive, experimental and inclusive.
Within the project, there are four VET partners and one research and development institute in Finland, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain, all working with Lean in their organisations. The partners’ Lean work has been carried out together with organisations in the industry and some of the working life partners will function as associated partners in this project.
This strategic partnership develops and produces innovative approaches to professional development of VET trainers’ Lean skills in order to train students for working life. The aim is to provide all students with valuable Lean skills by the time they graduate.
- To build up teachers’ and trainers’ capacity and confidence in teaching Lean skills in innovative ways to colleagues and students
- To provide sustainable professional development to disseminate the expertise of the partners across the partnership and encourage synergy between different VET disciplines, organisations and countries.
- To increase the organisations’ Lean development capacity and cooperation with working life.
- To develop key competences of lifelong learning for the participating teachers, to spread the knowledge and use of digital skills and to increase each organisations capacity to cooperate on an international level.
- A high quality training package including four intellectual outputs that are piloted by the project partners.
- Basic Lean theory training package – What is Lean? Why Lean?
- High quality toolbox with Lean group exercises.
- Digital environment with individual Lean exercises.
- Teacher/trainer instruction manual on how to deliver the course.
All material will be produced in English, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Project information and output will be published on an open access website, also available for downloading.