
Comparing good practices in European countries

Project time
1.6.2019 – 31.5.2021
Erasmus+ K1
Project phase
Project website

TARGET GROUP: Students and teachers in the social and healthcare sector, students in the hair and beauty sector in the institutions of the Hyvä Olo network.

PARTNERS: Jokilaakson koulutuskuntayhtymä, Coordinator, Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä, Saimaan ammattiopisto Sampo, Lapin koulutuskeskus Redu, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia, Vaasan kaupunki/Vamia.


  • The network aims to support individual learning paths and the identification and recognition of competences
  • To compare study and learning methods between different educational institutions at European level
  • To compare working practices and approaches in the social and healthcare sector
  • Work placements abroad
  • Exchanges and visits of experts
  • The aim is to harmonise and develop activities, practices and quality, and to incorporate lean thinking into the activities. Less can indeed be more.
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