TARGET GROUP: Teachers in Social and healthcare at Vamia
SOSU ZBC, Ringsted, Denmark – lead partner
SBIE, Athens, Greece
HBO IC DIEN VZW, Roeselare, Belgium
Vamia, Vaasa, Finland
BS Syke EUROPASCHULE, Syke, Germany
ROC West-Brabrant, Ettenleur, Holland
CIFP MEKA LHII, Elgoibar, Spain
The administration of Gymnasie & Vuxenutbilding, Kungsbacka, Sweden
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The overall aim of the project is to share knowledge and experience between the partner institutions within the topics Welfare Technology and Innovation. Welfare technology is an area of rapid growth at European level, with the potential to address some of the common challenges faced by a growing aging burden, while having many common challenges in getting the technologies deployed in the workplace. It places great demands on an up-to-date teaching, both in terms of content and didactics at the educational institutions that train employees for social and health care.
The project includes 5 learning activities for teachers and other stakeholders from the partner schools, taking place in the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Sweden, Spain and Denmark
The project also develops two common learning units regarding application of welfare technology, which is intended to be included as part of units defined under the ECVET system for exchange students who are in Erasmus + internships abroad. The purpose of this is to ensure that exchange students have the opportunity to strengthen their skills in welfare technology during internship abroad, and to stimulate other European schools to develop their own teaching in the application of Welfare Technology and Innovation.