
European Pathway – a Gateway to work (EPaG)KOHDERYHMÄ

Project time
1.8.2017 – 30.4.2019
European commission; ErasmusPro
Project phase
Project website

TARGET GROUP: VET-students and teacher, working life

Coordination: Kainuu Vocational College
Partners: Luovi Vocational College, Education Centre Brahe, Savonlinna Vocational College, Ylä-Savo Vocational College, Omnia, Education and Mobility, Spain, The Placement Factory, The United Kingdom

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: European Pathway – a Gateway to work (EPaG) is a pilot project carried out by seven vocational education colleges in Finland and their international partners. The aim is to pilot and develop long term VET learning mobilities (6-12months) for apprentices with the ultimate goal to enable young apprentices to develop their skills and enhance their employability prospects, whilst also strengthening their sense of European citizenship.

Stays of more than 6 months provide the highest added value in terms of improvement of professional, personal and social skills. Mobility brings gains for the company as well as for the apprentice him/herself. While short term placements (less than 6 months) help to improve personal and social skills, longer placements considerably improve professional skills and employability as the benefit to the employer.

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